Current Issue

Volume: 13 Issue: 2, 12/30/24

Year: 2024

The e-journal is an official publication of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Trakya University. As a publication tool, the main aim of the e-journal is to serve to seek solutions to the issues in the field of economics and administrative sciences. Functioning as a mediator, it also contributes to literature of the field as a scientific, peer-reviewed and open access international journal which publishes original manuscripts.

Economics, Business Administration, Public Administration, Political Sciences, Labor Economics and Industrial Relations, Finance, Econometrics, International Relations, Management Information Systems, Sociology and the branches of Law are the main scope of the journal. Moreover, the journal welcomes the multidisciplinary research among these scientific fields.


• The manuscripts should be sent through DergiPark (, the editorial workflow management system, and all the procedure should be pursued on the system. The communication between the parties regarding the evaluation process is carried out via DergiPark.

• The manuscripts in accordance with the standards mentioned below are accepted for the peer review process. The authors are recommended to abide by the Spelling Book of Turkish Language Society. Also, see the link of Spelling Book: and the link of Turkish Dictionary: It is highly recommended to utilise check spelling and grammar in Word Program of Microsoft Office.

It is crucial for the authors to send their manuscripts as stated below to avoid any delays in the peer review process, and also to start the evaluation. The authors are requested to submit:

1. Plagiarism/ Similarity Report
2. Copyright Agreement Form
3. The Article Document

1. Plagiarism/ Similarity Report:

• The authors should submit iThenticate similarity report of their manuscripts. The article document uploaded to the system and checked for the similarity should be the same. References should be excluded by selecting “exclude bibliography” option The manuscripts not complying with this procedure are excluded.

As required by the publication policy of our journal, overall similarity score is expected to be 15%; the articles with more than 15% of similarity score are not included into the process.

2. Copyright Agreement Form

• Authors should submit the form of our journal by providing the necessary information. (Copyright Agreement Form) (Filled Sample).

• Information on the institution and academic title should be provided in full and should comply with the ones in ORCID system.

In the declaration of contribution, each author shouldn’t be stated proportionally but should be written on author and contribution basis (eg. Ahmet A. – writing, revision, Mehmet B. – analysis, writing, data collection, etc.).

3. The Article Document (Sample Article Document)

• Editorial Board has the right to reject any articles not prepared in accordance with the spelling rules and not edited without sending them to the referees.

• The articles in our journal undergo blind review procedure. In the article document, information on the author’s institution, ID, and academic title isn’t necessary in all the phases of referee evaluation process.

• Article document should start as follows: title, abstract, key words in Turkish; abstract and key words in English. The English title should be placed under the heading in Turkish. Under the abstracts of English and Turkish, three (3) key words should be provided for each language. On the first page, there should only be titles, abstracts and key words. “Introduction” part should begin on the following page.

• JEL classification codes which are eligible for the key words should be added from the address: JEL classification codes should be provided under the key words.

• The articles should contain 5000 – 10000 words.

• Both Turkish and English abstracts should include 130-180 words each having Calibri font style in 12 font size and single line spacing.

The manuscripts should be in A4 paper standards: having Calibri font style in 12 font size and single line spacing. Paragraph settings should be arranged as 0 before and 6nk after in single space. Page layout: having 2 cm margins from right and left; 2.5 bottom and top; there shouldn’t be any binding margins. Distance from the edge should be 1 cm for the footer margin and 0.5 for the header margin.

• The text should be justified. Tables, graphs and figures, etc. should be arranged according to the margins.

• All the titles in the text should be written as having first letters upper case and the rest in lower case in all words; bold, Calibri font style in 12 font size and left justified. All the titles (starting from “introduction” and including the “conclusion”) should be numbered.

• The images such as tables, graphs and figures in the text should be provided with a descriptive title when it is necessary for the pursuit of the study. The titles of the tables and graphics should be centred, bold and numbered (“Table 1:” or “Figure 5:”, etc.) The titles of the tables and graphics should be above them (e.g. Table 1: 1989- 2016 Public Investment Expenditure). Tables and figures should be centred and text wrapping effect should be turned off. The notes stated under the tables and references should be written in Calibri font style, 9 font size and centred.

• Intext citation and referencing style of Trakya University e-journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences is APA (American Psychological Association) style 7. Edition.

• All the references should be given according to authors’ surnames in an alphabetical order at the end of the text as a separate section without numbering them. The references given under the references heading should comply with APA style 7. Edition.

It is the author/s’ responsibility to provide all the references accurately. All the sources should be cited in the text. 

Publication Ethics Statement

• Trakya University e-journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication and pays regard to the ethical publishing principles employed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) ve World Association of Medical Editors (WAME). For the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing, see the address: [].

• The manuscripts sent to the journal should be original, haven’t been published before and not sent to another journal for the evaluation. The author should declare that his/her study is original, unpublished before and not in the evaluation process to be published in another language and in another journal. The materials of copyright (e.g. tables, figures and long citations) should be used with necessary permission and special thanks. The works of other authors and contributors or the sources utilised should be used appropriately and stated in the references.

• The manuscripts sent to the e-journal is subjected to double blind peer review process by one editor and at least two referees. Plagiarism, duplication, false/ denied authorship, research/data fabrication, article slicing, publication by slicing, copyright infringement and concealment of the conflict of interests are accepted as unethical behaviours.

• The articles not eligible for the accepted standards are removed from the publication process. The articles which are detected to be illegal and including inconveniencies after the publication are also involved.

Responsibility of the Authors

• It is authors’ responsibility to ensure that their submitted articles are original and any words and sentences from the literature of the field must be appropriately cited. The manuscript should be written in reference to author guidelines of the journal.

• All authors should have a direct academic and scientific contribution to the article. In this regard, “the author” is considered as a person who is apparently involved in designing and conceptualizing the research, collecting the data, analysing or interpreting the data, writing the manuscript or reviewing it critically. Moreover, planning or conducting the research and/or revising the article are the other requirements of being an author.

• It is authors’ responsibility to ensure that the article is in accordance with scientific and ethical standards and rules.

• The author must guarantee that the submitted article is original and it has not been published elsewhere previously or is not presently in the evaluation process in another language elsewhere.

• All authors must declare issues regarding financial relations, conflict of interest and competing interests which might potentially affect the research results and scientific judgement.

• When an author finds out an evident error or any mistake in his/her own published paper, it is the author’s responsibility for getting an immediate contact and cooperating with the editor. The author must contact with the editor for informing about, correcting and retracting his/her article in the case of noticing any errors in the evaluation or previewing process or when it has just been published electronically.

• Statement and Notification of TR Index Ethical Rules: the articles related to the principles of ethics mentioned in the previous years’ criteria are explicably detailed in 2020. Assuming that the studies necessitating research ethics committee approval get the approval, the explanation “stating the approval notification into the article” was added to the criteria.

• The research types requiring research ethics committee approval are defined below:

1) Any types of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative methods, requiring data collection from the participants by using the techniques of surveys, interviews, focus group discussions, observations, experiments.
2) Using humans and animals (including materials and data) with experimental and other scientific aims,
3) Clinical studies experimenting on humans,
4) Research conducted on animals,
5) Retrospective studies in accordance with the law on the protection of personal data.
• Obtaining “Informed Consent Form” in case reports,
• Stating and getting permission from the owners while using their scales, surveys and visuals.
• Stating that the copyright regulations for intellectual and artistic works are complied.

It is not necessary to submit retrospective research ethics committee approval for the followings:
• If research data dated before 2020 has been used,
• If the article has been produced out of any Master’s and PhD theses (it should be stated in the article),
• If the publication has been submitted in the previous year,
• If the article is accepted, but not published.
• Author(s) are held responsible for maintaining the liability of their manuscripts to be submitted.

Responsibilities of the Editors and Reviewers

• Editors are responsible for overall quality of the content and publication.

• Editors enable the authors to correct the mistakes, inconsistencies or misguidance in the manuscripts.

• Editors evaluate the manuscripts regardless of ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, citizenship, religious belief and political views of the authors.

• Editor does not allow any conflicts of interest between the authors, editors and reviewers. The manuscripts to be submitted are evaluated without any prejudice.
• Editors guarantee that all information related to the article submitted is kept as confidential until it is published.

• Editors have the full authority to assign a reviewer and is responsible for ultimate decision for publication of the article.

• Reviewers assist editors during the decision process and improving the manuscripts.

• Reviewers also inform the editor about any significant similarities or overlaps between the manuscript and other publications within their knowledge.

• Reviewers evaluate the articles with an unbiased judgement. They also must keep the information concerning the manuscripts confidential and report to the editor if they notice any copyright infringement and plagiarism on the author’s side.

• Reviewers feeling unqualified to revise the subject of the article or being already aware that the time limit is not enough for the proper evaluation must inform the editor and request not to be assigned.

• Reviewers must reject evaluating the manuscript when they realize that there is conflict of interest or unity of interest by informing the editor.

• Reviewers must evaluate the manuscript that they accepted to assess within the time limit.

Research Ethics

• Trakya University e-journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences adheres to the highest standards in research ethics and pursues the principles of international research ethics as defined below. Authors are responsible for the compliance of the manuscripts with the ethical rules.

• The principles of unity, quality and transparency must be sustained in designing the research, reviewing the design and conducting the research.

• The research team and participants should be fully informed about the aim, methods, possible uses and requirements of the participation to the research; and risks of participation in the research.

• It must be guaranteed that the information provided by the research participants and the respondents must be confidential. The research must be designed to protect the autonomy and dignity of the participants.

• Research participants must willingly take part in the research without any coercion.

• Any possible harm to the participants must be avoided. The research must be planned in such a way that the participants are not at risk.

• The independence of the research must be clear and any conflict of interest must be disclosed.

• In experimental studies with human subjects, written informed consent of the participants who decide to take part in the research must be obtained. In the case of children and those under wardship or with legal custodian’s assent and confirmed insanity must be obtained.

• If the research is to be carried out in any institution or organization, approval must be obtained from that institution or organization.

• In studies with human subject, it must be stated in the methodology part of the article that the informed consent of the participants and ethics committee approval from the institution have been obtained.

Publication Policy

• The order of the articles is arranged according to the date on which the evaluation period of the manuscript terminates.

• Upon reaching the adequate number of manuscripts to be published, other submissions being worth to be published are sequenced for the upcoming issue.

• The manuscripts should be sent through DergiPark (, and all the procedure must be followed on the system. The communication regarding the evaluation process is carried out via DergiPark.

• There is no publication charge for the articles in submission or publication process. Also, there is no article processing charge or submission fees for any submissions and acceptances. All expenses of the journal are covered by the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Trakya University.

• The articles in the journal undergo a double-blind peer review procedure. Authors do not know about the reviewers, and vice versa.

• The similarity rate of the article is detected by the Ithenticate reports handed by the authors; and the article is evaluated in terms of the issues dealt with. Then, they are investigated and determined by the editorial board.

• The manuscripts submitted to the journal are subjected to pre-review by the editorial board in terms of the content and the form. After the assessment and corrections by language editors of the journal, reviewer evaluation process begins (Editors have the right to reject the manuscripts which are not compatible with the spelling rules or the necessary language and spelling corrections, and so not found qualified enough to be published).

• The manuscripts being worth to be evaluated are sent to two different reviewers (blind reviewer). If the reviewers are not in agreement of the acceptance of the manuscript, then the third reviewer is assigned. Editorial board give a decision on whether a manuscript will be accepted or rejected considering reviewers’ reports.

• Articles in the preview phase could be retrieved from the system by the authors without the approval of the editor. It is not possible for the article to be retrieved after the preview process is completed. During the evaluation process if an author requests to retrieve his/her article, he/she must provide reasonable and acceptable justifications.

• In the case of correction request for the manuscript, it is necessary for the correction to be completed and sent to the editorial board in time set by the editorial post. Otherwise the manuscript will be exempted from the evaluation process by the editorial post.

• The type of article (research, case report, compliation, etc.) must be stated during the article submission process.

• Authors whose articles are published in our journal must wait for one year to submit an article again. This period is applied as two years for in-house researchers.

•   If there is a conflict of interest between an editor and an author or institution of the author in terms of cooperation or competition, then another member of the Editorial Board is assigned to manage the evaluation process.

• Invited reviews, editorials and letters to editors may be accepted by the editor-in-chief without peer review after the editorial board review.

Exploitation Enquiry and Complaints 

  • All kinds of exploitation doubts and complaints about manuscripts, either published or in the publication process, are evaluated by the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board strictly follows the directives of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) during the evaluations. An ombudsman who has no connection with the parts in any stage of the complaint is appointed and a decision is made. Complaints can be sent to the editor in chief by sending an e-mail to

• The articles in submission or publication process will not be charged. Also, there is no article processing charge or submission fees for any submissions and acceptances. All expenses of the journal are covered by the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Trakya University.

  Open_Access_logo_with_dark_text_for_contrast%2C_on_transparent_background.png   Creative Commons License   This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.